November Goals & October Challenge

Soooooooo I know this is kind of late, but I’ve been busy adjusting back to this whole working, keeping up with school work, and having a life business. Anyway, another West Virginia runner who has an awesome blog (running hills and hollers, right here on WordPress) posts goals at the beginning of the month, and I started thinking that by actually writing down my goals I would be more likely to commit to them, so here goes!

1. I NEED to drink more water!!!!  It can be very hard at work to have time or remember to drink water, so I’m going to try to drink two full water bottles a day ( I have a water bottle that I can keep in my area at work so it’s accessible when I have a minute for a drink!)

2. I HOPE to run at least 85 miles this month.  I went from running 100 in September to 78 in October.  Yes, October was jumbled with starting my new job, but I’ve come up with a plan to ensure that I keep my mileage where it needs to be.

3. I WANT to finish the Miles of Smiles half marathon on the 24th of this month.  Although I have completed a full marathon already, this will be my first half, so I’m not going to give myself a time to shoot for, instead I just want to finish.

4. I WILL try to incorporate cross training into my routine 3 times a week.  Running isn’t the only way to become a better runner, so I’ll try to add in some cross training to strengthen my core and legs.

5. I MUST have a more positive attitude about my running.  I have a tendency to over-think things, especially when it’s related to how well or how poor I have done things.  If I can think more positively about myself I think it will translate into my running.

6. I PROMISE to post to my blog at least 5 times this month.  I always think about posting to my blog and then move onto something else and don’t get back to it or say I’ll do it tomorrow.  So I’ve got to get 5 posts in this month, and I will do it!

What goals do you have for the month of November?  I also have more personal goals for myself to accomplish this month, but I won’t bore you with that!


And now for the October Challenge.  Kim, the author of the blog I mentioned earlier, posted an October challenge last month.  The challenge was to take 6 pictures while running that represent fall.  I don’t run with my phone that often, but I did manage to take 5 pictures of the beautiful scenery that I get to enjoy while I run.

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West Virginia truly is a beautiful state to run in, especially in the fall when all of the leaves start to turn colors, it adds something to look at and think about during long runs!

I am also proud to announce that I am officially registered to run the Aramco Houston Half Marathon!!!!! The half will take place on January 19th, 2014 in Houston, Texas.  I went to Houston last year to visit my sister and watch her finish the race and it was such an awesome atmosphere, that now that I am into running I decided I would kill two birds with one stone and visit my sister and complete my first big half marathon!  Josh is going to be running in the marathon as well.