The 27 Degree, 13.1 Mile Race!

Sooooo yesterday I finished my first half!  It was SO stinkin cold, but I’m glad I finished!  The temperature was in the high 20’s yesterday but there was a breeze that would make you swear it was 10 degrees colder!  

My prep yesterday wasn’t the best… not gonna lie, and that had a little bit to do with my finishing time, but not everything.  I was totally happy that I finished since as I said in my last post that my goal was to just finish.  However, I did have an upper time limit that I wanted to finish under, two and a half hours, and I did that too so I was pretty pleased!  Like I said, before the race yesterday I wasn’t the smartest, I ate breakfast around 9:30ish and didn’t have anything else until after the race and when I stupidly say nothing, I mean nothing… no food or water.  Yeah, I said it no water, not cause I was trying to be a tough guy and not drink water, I just kinda forget to drink it sometimes…

I found a friend, Carly, to run with for the majority of the race so that was an awesome unexpected surprise!  We talked and ran, and talked and ran, and talked and ran some more!  Around mile 7 or so one of my calves felt like it had a rock in it and then around mile 11 the other calf felt like a 5 pound weight was strapped to it so that kinda sucked.  The run was flat at least so I didn’t have to strain my legs very hard near the end to finish.  When I started to feel junky around mile 11 I told Carly to go ahead since we didn’t make like a kool-aid pact or anything and I finished about 5 minutes behind her at 2:24:something.  We were both so super excited to finish and to finish close to the pace we were hoping for!  And as we looked today at the race pictures that were taken, we def didn’t look our best… but who does when they’re running?  

Oh yeah, Josh won the whole thing!   Which is so cool!  As I was just turning around to finish mile 7, he was running to the finish!  It was cool that I got to see him some throughout the race, and he also got a half marathon PR outta the day too!  So in the end, we both did about what we were hoping to do, and I got a Big Mac after so I was a happy runner : ) 

Oh yeah, here’s my medal!  I slacked on the pre/post race pictures cause it was so darn cold!  Also, sorry this was so short, I get a few days off starting Thanksgiving so hopefully I can do some better posts then!

Thanks for reading!!