I eat like a garbage disposal

Soooooooo I have known this for a long, long time and I never tried to hide it from anyone, but I do enjoy eating garbage like a dumpster rat. (No, not literal garbage… just food that has a nutritional value equal to that of garbage)  I enjoy eating out at various fast food restaurants, you name it I’ll eat it, when it comes to fast food I’m not picky.  I also really love bread and pasta… I would eat a pasta sandwich, actually my husband does enjoy making “spaghetti sandwiches” so there is such a thing!

I really never cared how or what I ate, I have never been much of a snacker, or dessert eater (now those of you who know me yes, I will eat chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, with chocolate sauce and chocolate chips on top, but if I had that once in a week I’d be okay).  My vice is simply food itself, I love to eat it.. french fries, CHEESEBURGERS, spaghetti, CHEESEBURGERS, pizza, CHEESEBURGERS, yeah I think that sums it up.  Josh and I make meals at home too, majority of them are pasta-based though and I will usually eat slices of bread and butter with them.

Now the way we eat hasn’t seemed to have any sort of negative affect on my husband or me really, I have just maintained my weight for the now 2 years that I’ve run eating this way.. I haven’t lost any weight or made any noticeable changes to my body AT. ALL.

So I decided a few Wednesdays ago while I was at the grocery store to try to eat less grains and gluten, and other than butter (grass-fed) and cheese I haven’t had much dairy at all lately.

This mind set came when I read the book “It Starts With Food”, this book is amazing and really made me realize how many things I eat on a day-to-day basis that I really don’t need to be putting into my body.  After reading this book I was supposed to transition to “The Whole 30” eating real foods, cutting out gluten, dairy, sugar, unhealthy fats, and other foods for 30 days and then there is a plan to reintroduce these foods back into my diet.  I tried it for a day and didn’t plan it out, I hurriedly just bought food and thought I’d be able to make it.. that didn’t work out.  So most of February was eating out and feeling like crap, until like I said a few Wednesdays ago I decided to try first to eat less of these foods instead of stopping them all together.  I am very happy with myself for making these changes, this is something attainable for me and I have been pretty successful so far.

I have found a lot of new recipes for foods I used to eat using coconut or almond flour, I tried gluten free pasta (it was great!), and am incorporating more vegetables into my meals!

Have you made any changes in your diet that have helped your performance or lose weight?  Any of your favorite recipes you’re willing to share?  If you are new to changing your diet like me, share and I wish you good luck!  I’ll keep you all posted on how it’s going.  I don’t plan on weighing myself or taking measurements until April, but I’m counting on a lot of “off-scale” victories as well!

As usual, thanks for reading!!