Another post, finally!

Sooooo I’ve not posted anything since mid-march when I talked about my terrible eating habits.  I’m happy to report that my choices in food are much better than they used to be, but I’m not 100% where I want to eventually end up.  I’m much smarter about my choices but I definitely don’t deprive myself either.  I’m also trying new things!  Today I tried to make my own mayonnaise… I was SO excited!!  I got one of those stick blenders recently (for this particular occasion) and read up on all of the tips and tricks to make a good batch of mayo.  I got the consistency right which seems like the hard part for everyone to get (from what I read) but the taste is a bit off, I think this was due to the fact that I got “lighter” olive oil instead of “light” olive oil.  The instructions said to get light but all I could find was lighter and I just wanted to make the damn mayo already!!  I’ll try one more time, should I find the right olive oil, because I can make all kinds of dressings and sauces with this mayo as the base!

Enough about mayonnaise, I’ve been running races again and it’s finally gotten nice outside!!!!  I’m attempting to stay up late for night shift tomorrow and realized that I have been terrible about posting on here, so instead of writing one terribly long, boring, monotonous post about everything I decided that I’ll catch up on the basics and then write other posts about the races I’ve done.

I’m also still training for the Harper’s Ferry Half Marathon!  I’m very excited about this race!  Harper’s Ferry is such a neat place and the scenery is amazing!  My training has been going really well and so far I haven’t encountered any hiccups or injuries, my schedule has been erratic so I’ve had to do a lot of rearranging to fit in all of my runs but I have a feeling it’s going to pay off come race day!

My sister also recently got into running lately and decided to start a blog about all of the goings on down in Houston!  We have a goal race of running Rock n Roll San Antonio together this December!  Check out her blog here!

What have you all been up to lately?

Thanks for reading!!

I eat like a garbage disposal

Soooooooo I have known this for a long, long time and I never tried to hide it from anyone, but I do enjoy eating garbage like a dumpster rat. (No, not literal garbage… just food that has a nutritional value equal to that of garbage)  I enjoy eating out at various fast food restaurants, you name it I’ll eat it, when it comes to fast food I’m not picky.  I also really love bread and pasta… I would eat a pasta sandwich, actually my husband does enjoy making “spaghetti sandwiches” so there is such a thing!

I really never cared how or what I ate, I have never been much of a snacker, or dessert eater (now those of you who know me yes, I will eat chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, with chocolate sauce and chocolate chips on top, but if I had that once in a week I’d be okay).  My vice is simply food itself, I love to eat it.. french fries, CHEESEBURGERS, spaghetti, CHEESEBURGERS, pizza, CHEESEBURGERS, yeah I think that sums it up.  Josh and I make meals at home too, majority of them are pasta-based though and I will usually eat slices of bread and butter with them.

Now the way we eat hasn’t seemed to have any sort of negative affect on my husband or me really, I have just maintained my weight for the now 2 years that I’ve run eating this way.. I haven’t lost any weight or made any noticeable changes to my body AT. ALL.

So I decided a few Wednesdays ago while I was at the grocery store to try to eat less grains and gluten, and other than butter (grass-fed) and cheese I haven’t had much dairy at all lately.

This mind set came when I read the book “It Starts With Food”, this book is amazing and really made me realize how many things I eat on a day-to-day basis that I really don’t need to be putting into my body.  After reading this book I was supposed to transition to “The Whole 30” eating real foods, cutting out gluten, dairy, sugar, unhealthy fats, and other foods for 30 days and then there is a plan to reintroduce these foods back into my diet.  I tried it for a day and didn’t plan it out, I hurriedly just bought food and thought I’d be able to make it.. that didn’t work out.  So most of February was eating out and feeling like crap, until like I said a few Wednesdays ago I decided to try first to eat less of these foods instead of stopping them all together.  I am very happy with myself for making these changes, this is something attainable for me and I have been pretty successful so far.

I have found a lot of new recipes for foods I used to eat using coconut or almond flour, I tried gluten free pasta (it was great!), and am incorporating more vegetables into my meals!

Have you made any changes in your diet that have helped your performance or lose weight?  Any of your favorite recipes you’re willing to share?  If you are new to changing your diet like me, share and I wish you good luck!  I’ll keep you all posted on how it’s going.  I don’t plan on weighing myself or taking measurements until April, but I’m counting on a lot of “off-scale” victories as well!

As usual, thanks for reading!!


Sooooo I know, another post about treadmills and running in the winter.  I’ve really not had much going on with my running in February, except for trying to make the best of running on the treadmill and I need to post something, so this is it!

It’s been REALLY cold here lately, like sub zero cold (I know, it’s been REALLY cold everywhere else too, I’m not alone!) but it’s also snowy on the trails and I work until it’s dark out most of the time.

Luckily, I have a treadmill!  I really hate running on it, like really but it allows me to get my runs in when I wouldn’t be able to otherwise.  To make it through, I find fun things to watch on Netflix to keep me occupied!  It takes my mind off of how sucky running in place is, and I get to watch movies and shows that I meant to and never did or ones that I hadn’t seen in a while.
Lately my choices have consisted of Wayne’s World, The Naked Gun, Family Guy, Parks and Recreation, and the Office.  I love laughing and watching something fun while I run!

What do you do to make it through running on the treadmill?  Different strokes for different folks and I’m always up for new ideas and tricks!

I also started training for the Harper’s Ferry Half Marathon in May!  I’m so excited for this race!  Harper’s Ferry is such a neat place in West Virginia!  I was nervous to start this week since there was so much snow, but the treadmill has turned out to be my saving grace!  So I guess I really can’t say too many bad things about it after all : )

My 2nd Runniversary!

Sooo today marks 2 years since I began my relationship with running!  I said it last year and I’ll say it again this year but I NEVER saw myself as a runner, but I’m SO happy that I am!

This year in running was pretty good for me, the beginning of my running year started off kind of rough due to an extreme amount of snow the day we got back from Houston and it didn’t let up until late March… so that lead to a lot of treadmill running and days off = no good.

After I ran the Nike Women’s Half in D.C. in late April I got more on track with my running and started getting back to the consistency that I had before.  I also got married the day after I ran in D.C. to my amazing runner husband!

I ended up running 18 races since last January 17th, running at least one race in every month except for March.  I also totaled my mileage at: 872.07 from January 17, 2014 – January 17, 2015.  I definitely dipped from last year but like I said I took WAY too many days off in the beginning of the year but it’s not gonna happen again this year!

I feel like this was the year where I would have quit running if I were going to (I know crazy talk!) but I feel like since I made it through this second year and freaking love it even more that this is going to be a hobby that sticks for life!!!!

Goals for this running year:

One is the same as for my calendar year, to PR in 4 distances (5k, 10K, half marathon, and full)

Keep running!

Run more races than last year

at least have 1000 total miles by January 17, 2016

All of my running shirts from the races I ran this year!
All of my running shirts from the races I ran this year!

How long have you been running?

What keeps you motivated?

Thanks for reading!!

Run to Read Half Marathon

Sooooo I ran the last half marathon of my running year but my first race of 2015.  It snowed last week and I worked night shift so I tried my best and got in runs, but none of them were high quality or more than 3 miles.  I was very anxious about running this race since I didn’t feel nearly as prepared as I had hoped I would.  I get nervous before most races but it’s usually due to the excitement, the possibility of a new PR, the outfit I have on, and cause I just paid some money to run so I had better make the most of it!  But I actually felt nauseated thinking about running this race…

The race was at Prickett’s Fort State Park in Fairmont, West Virginia, the fort that’s there isn’t the real one though, but a recreation (here’s the link to a web page about the state park: ) The local rail trail runs through part of the park and across the Monongahela River, I had never run on it before but was excited for that part of it.  The weather wasn’t actually going to be as cold as it had been that week which was good and we had been told that the local parks department had cleared the trail in the past so I wasn’t very worried about that.  Josh however took a warm up run and decided to inform me that at mile 5 the trail was going to be packed snow, and for who knows how long… another reason I was anxious!!

Me before the race!
Me before the race!


The race started however and I surprisingly felt very strong, I settled into my pace and fell into that wonderful running trance and I stopped thinking and worrying so much and just ran.  We ran through an old train tunnel between miles 1 and 2 (Picture below)

photo 1


Then mile 5 hit and I couldn’t wish the race to be over soon enough.  I know, packed snow doesn’t seem that bad… but it is… especially when 150+ people have run on it before you have.  I did my best to stick with it, but I could feel the callouses on the balls of my feet pinching and rubbing on each uneven, snow-packed step I took (when I got home I noticed that I had blood blisters on both of my feet by my fabulous callouses, sorry for the over-share!)

The last 4 miles got progressively slower, as I’m sure they would’ve had I been running on pavement the whole race, so that didn’t make me too upset.  But when I saw the finish line I was SO excited I couldn’t stand myself!!  I got my medal and high-tailed it to the car to warm up and get home to take a nice, long, hot bath!

The finisher's medal
The finisher’s medal

My take away moments were that I was so happy with myself for finishing this race that I wasn’t sure I even wanted to actually do in the first place and that I didn’t feel as bad as I thought I would when I finished!  All-in-all it wasn’t a bad way to finish out my running year or kick off the calendar year!

Just a little more info about the race itself:  The proceeds go toward the Literacy Volunteers of Marion County, there will also be a 5K and one mile race held this summer, the 3 races comprise a “triple crown series”.  There is race day registration if there are still open spaces (the race usually caps off at 400 racers and I don’t think they’ve hit that number yet).  For this race the entry fee included a toboggan, gloves, medal, and chili after the race.  Overall the race was beautiful and scenic but the conditions for the last 8 miles were less than enjoyable for me.

The End of Another Year

Sooooo it’s that time of the year again, the time to reflect on the year that’s passed and look forward to what the new year may bring.

I’m not gonna lie, I really dropped the ball this year on the blogging front… I just didn’t keep up with it for a myriad of reasons, reasons that I won’t go into and bore you all with!  BUT  I have begun to use my Believe Training Journal and one of the goals that I made for this year is to be better about blogging.  I really and truly love writing about my thoughts and experiences related to running, but I let too many petty excuses stop me.  Life happens and I just need to be better about prioritizing and getting on here!  But on to what happened with me this year.

This year was a pretty great calendar year for me!  I got married first off!!  And although my second year of running won’t officially be complete until January 17th, I accomplished a lot in 2014 and am pretty proud of it.  Last year I wrote out my “ideas for 2014” and I just want to quickly reflect on them!

Idea #1 was to keep my enthusiasm for running and I can say that I have fallen even more in love with it!  More so than I EVER thought I could!

Idea #2 was to try to incorporate other areas of exercise into my routine.  I was very successful at this in the beginning of the year, I made it through the p90X3 system once and it definitely helped me make it through the Nike Women’s Half Marathon since my running training wasn’t quite up to par.

Idea #3 was to keep running races and challenging myself.  I ran 16 races this year consisting of 5K, 10K, and half marathon distances.  I also ran my dream race, the one huge half marathon that I have wanted to run since I first began running, the Rock N Roll Las Vegas half marathon!  That was the highlight of my year!

Idea #4 was to keep up with my blog… we all know how this turned out!

Sooo I’d say I did okay this past year with my goals, but there is definite room for improvement this year.

My one pretty big running goal for this year is to PR in 4 distances: 5K, 10K, half marathon, and the marathon.  I think with more consistent training and dedication I can complete this goal.

This past year has made up most of my second year of running, which I think could’ve ended up making it or breaking it for me as far as continuing running or not.  It definitely made it for me!  As I said earlier in the post I fell more in love with running this year and I cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for me.  I have one last race to complete before I begin my 3rd year as a runner, a local half marathon that I haven’t run before.  It’s probably going to be cold but the course is mainly flat so I’m hoping for a good race!

What are your goals for this year?  I also think it’s important to make personal goals as well, it’s important to strive for improvement in all areas to maintain balance.  I’ve set personal goals for this year, but won’t post them here since they really don’t relate to running.

Here’s to the new year and the adventures that we will all encounter!

Summer Runnin.. had me a blast!

Soooo Labor day happened, which basically means that summer is pretty much over.. EVEN THOUGH it has seemed way hotter outside lately, what’s up with that?!?  Anyway, I was sitting here reflecting on my summer and it wasn’t a totally terrible one!

For me, this was “the summer of the 5K” cause that’s pretty much the only kind of race that I ran with the exception of a 10K.  I started out the Summer in late May (I know, summer didn’t really start until June, so I ran an unofficial summer race I guess) at the Open Hearts 5K in Clarksburg, it rained and I do love running in the rain and I also won my age group, so great way to kick off my summer! Below is a pic of me, Josh, and cap waiting for the awards at the Open Hearts race (my actual race pictures were terrible haha)



In June I ran 2 races, the Cecil Jarvis Greater Clarksburg 10K in Clarksburg and the RDVIC Father’s Day 5K (the next day) in Morgantown.  The 10K was grueling and my first 10K in over a year.  I had trained and run a lot but didn’t hit my goal time and was slower than my previous PR, it was okay though I finished!  The father’s day race went much better, and for the day after a 10K race I felt really good running.  I almost placed in my age group, but for some reason this race had done my age group 14-25, but the next age group was 26-30… makes no sense!  Oh well!

I only ran one race in July, the Run to Read 5K in Fairmont.  Josh had a very successful go at this race, but me, I once again made it to the finish and that was about all I could say…  I had still been running very regularly and even starting to do longer runs once a week, but hilly Fairmont had other plans for me that day.

I ran a little more in August, just 2 races, the Rush Run 5K in morgantown and the Pet Door Rescue 5K in Buckhannon.  The rush run had an amazing turn out for the first time the event was run, the atmosphere was great and I was excited to run since this was the same course as the Father’s day run; with fresh legs I may be able to PR!  The course was flat and during the second half of the race I was passing people left and right, I felt really good!  I even raced one of the local weathermen (Jason Parrish from channel 12 news if you’re local) to the finish but he beat me by a split second! The picture below is us racing to the finish line.



Yes, the time on the clock is in the 27’s… BUT WHEN I LOOKED AT MY WATCH IT WASN’T EVEN AT 3 MILES!!!!  The race wasn’t even 3 miles long!!!  How does that get messed up?!?  I was just disappointed that I ran so well and of course that I paid for a 5K and it wasn’t even that… oh well, the weatherman won that day but I’ll get him next time!  The race in Buckhannon was beautiful and the weather was perfect!  The race started at a local college and wound through the streets and onto a river trail.  I really was feeling great this run and I finished and looked down at my watch and saw 27:45… and the race was actually 3.1 miles, a new PR!! And I ended up winning my age group!  For this being my last race before labor day, I would say it was an excellent way to unofficially end my summer running!

September is picking up for me as well, I’ve got 4 races scheduled (3 5K’s and 1 10K) and I started training for my second marathon!!!  The Houston Marathon in January!  I’m so excited to run another marathon and even more excited that I’ll actually be prepared to run this one!  One last super exciting announcement (for me at least) is that Josh and I signed up to do the Rock n Roll Series Las Vegas half marathon; I’M GONNA RUN DOWN THE VEGAS STRIP AT NIGHT!!!!  They also added a 5K the day before as part of the “Remix challenge” they started recently.

I love summer and everything but I cannot freaking wait for this fall!!!!

Do you have any exciting plans for this fall, running related or not I’d love to hear all about them!  Thanks for reading!






School’s Out!!

Sooooooo school’s out for me when it’s starting for everyone else… but I now have my BSN!!! (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)  I’m really excited to be done with this part of my schooling, I had to get this degree seeing as most hospitals only want to hire nurses with a bachelors degree and should I continue with school to get a masters degree (which I most likely will) a bachelors degree is essential.  The program was online through West Virginia University so I was able to work full time and complete the program.

The main reason I’m so happy that I’m finally done with school is so that I can use my free time to hang out with Josh and Captain and also get back into this blogging thing!  I have hardly talked about any running or well anything really, on here in months!  It’s so sad, but now I really have no excuse to not make at least one post a week.  So that is what I will commit to, posting one time per week.

I will make a post soon about a race I took place in last Friday, as well as a post about my thoughts on this summer (I’ve been thinking about the Summer one, well… all summer, but I just haven’t had the time to write it all down yet, soon I promise!

How has your all’s summer been?  Hopefully there are some of you out there who have gotten to slow down and enjoy your summer!  Thanks for reading!

Au Revoir, Paris! Bonjour, les États-Unis!

Sooooo it’s officially been one year since I’ve been back in the states.  On this day last year, Josh and I came back from France… for good… back to reality.  Paris was where I started running and fell in love with the sport.  I had all day to devote to it, with no job and no responsibilities, so it truly became my priority.  Another reason why this time is meaningful to me is because I ran my first ever 10K in June and my second where I PR’D; the day before we left to come home.

My first 10K was La Course du Château de Vincennes.  The start of the race was at the Château and we actually ran into the courtyard to the finish; it was amazing!  I did well for my first 10K, barely finishing over 1 hour, my goal time being under 1 hour.  The second 10K was L’Équipe 10K, the namesake is for a popular sports magazine in France.  This race was bigger than the first but I was determined to finish under an hour, and I did!! But barely!  I hadn’t run a 10K since… until last week.


The château where we finished our race

I ran the Cecil Jarvis 10K in Clarksburg on June 14th. I was so excited to run another 10K, mostly to see how much faster I could run it and PR again.  Boy oh boy did I pick the wrong race for that.  Clarksburg is nothing but rolling hills and a 2 lap course of the same hills you just ran up and down and up and down is not the best recipe for a PR.  I ended up finishing over an hour, slower than my first 10K I had ever run.  Kind of a bummer, but I was still glad to have done it and I cannot wait to run another 10K!  They don’t come around very often in this area, so being able to find one to run in is kind of a treat, for me at least!

Thanks for reading, everyone!

It’s gettin hot out hurrr

Soooo I know it’s not officially summer yet, but it sure has felt like it lately.  I enjoy warm weather and I can even stand hot weather but sometimes it’s just too darn hot outside and even unsafe.  The nurse in me often thinks about things that most may not, for instance when Josh was in France living by himself I made sure he knew how to give himself the Heimlich Maneuver incase he choked… real talk.

The heat and me running outside in it got me thinking about the fact that it’s important for everyone, especially those who spend a good bit of time outside to understand the different heat illnesses and how you can help yourself or someone else who may be affected.  So I’ll briefly go over the three illnesses that you may see and how you can help manage these illnesses!

Heat Cramps  

These feel like normal cramps that you may or may not have experienced before, but are exacerbated by prolonged exposure to heat.  They usually occur in the legs and or abdomen.  If you or someone else is experiencing heat cramps, get into a cooler place, a building with air conditioning is ideal but under trees or a shady area will do if you’re not near shelter.  Do some light stretching and massage on the affected area, drink some sort of electrolyte drink, water will do if it’s available but avoid salt tablets; they won’t help! 

Heat Exhaustion 

This is where things start to get a little more serious, and usually affects those doing more strenuous activity or who are exposed to the heat for a longer period of time.  Signs include: cool, moist, pale or flushed skin, feeling nauseated, dizzy, a headache, or feeling weak.  You should get yourself or move the person to a cool area immediately and loosen or remove as much clothing as possible and begin to apply cold towels or cloths to the person.  If the affected person is still conscious begin to take in small amounts of a sports drink or fruit juice if available.  Milk or water can be used if neither of the aforementioned beverages are available.  The Red Cross recommends ingesting 4 ounces of fluid every 15 minutes.  If the status of the affected person does not improve, he or she begins to refuse drinks, vomits, or loses consciousness call 911 right away.

Heat Stroke

This is a very serious and life-threatening condition that can hopefully be prevented by taking proper precautions when outdoors and recognizing signs of heat cramps and exhaustion.  Heat stroke occurs when the body becomes too hot and the organs begin to lose function.  Signs of heat stroke are: extremely hot, red skin that may be dry or moist, a rapid, weak or “thready” pulse, rapid shallow breathing, altered consciousness or loss of consciousness, confusion, vomiting, and or seizures.  If you notice any of these symptoms call 911 IMMEDIATELY.  If you can you should then put the affected person in cold water up to their neck or continually spray or dump cold water on them.  If you cannot immerse the person in a tub of water or don’t have access to large quantities of water, using ice-cold, wet towels to cover their body is perfectly acceptable, just rotate them over the person’s body and continue to re-wet them.  You could also cover the person with bags of ice if that much ice is available.  After trying one of these interventions it is best to check their temperature to see if it has decreased, but if you don’t have access to a thermometer continue one of the above methods for 20 minutes, until help arises, or their condition improves.  

   If you are by yourself and feel that you are coming down with heat exhaustion or heat stroke call 911 IMMEDIATELY so you can get help as soon as possible.  Prevention is another key element in making sure that you or someone you know doesn’t end up with one of these illnesses.  Keep an eye on your local forecast, if you see extremely hot temperatures in the forecast prepare beforehand.  Drink water even when you’re not thirsty (don’t chug it like that woman did for that radio contest) but if you wait until you’re thirsty, it’s too late!  Limit your activities to indoors and only go out if you need to.  Participate in activities that are not strenuous.  If you have pets bring them indoors and make sure they have enough cool water to drink.  Check in on those that are elderly and live by themselves or those with small children or no access to air conditioning and make sure they have water and a cool place to be.  

 This post was not meant to scare but to prepare you incase you should come upon someone affected by one of these heat illnesses or you yourself are affected.  I’m a big fan of educating others and feel that it’s part of my duty as a nurse!  I hope these tips helped, and if you want more information on heat illnesses or other disaster preparedness information visit, for great articles and check lists that can help you and your family and friends be prepared!  

Thanks for reading and have a fun and safe summer!