Oh, the difference one run can make.

Soooo I ran outside for this first time in a few weeks this past Monday and it was fantastic and frustrating all at the same time.  The frustration came from the local rail trail I run on being completely covered in snow so I was constantly slipping and sliding for 2 miles (yes… I kept running in hopes that I would hit a melted patch somewhere but after a mile I gave up and turned around.)  After I made it back from my trudge in the snow, I ended up making a loop by running around side-streets and a parking lot until I hit a mile.  The run was fantastic because it was outside!!  Just running in fresh air and not in one spot in my house was super.

Even though I had this frustrating/fantastic run I felt anxious most of the day yesterday, mostly because I was questioning my running, my training, and my ambition for all of the races that I plan on doing this year.  Yesterday I registered my husband and I for the Pittsburgh marathon and half, respectively, and even as I was registering I was thinking to myself “should I even waste money on this, I’m not going to be anywhere near ready”, and many other negative thoughts about myself in relation to running.  I love running but it can be so easy for me to feel down about myself after a few bad runs or just being in a funk.

After feeling anxious I ended up going for a run yesterday and boy oh boy did it change my whole outlook on my running.   I planned on running 4 miles and I really had no expectation for the run.  I was just planning on running 4 laps of the mile loop I made up the day before and getting it done.  I don’t know if it was the high temps and sunshine or what, but after my first mile beeped on my watch I was surprised.  I had almost run a sub 10 minute mile for my first mile… nothing crazy BUT I can’t tell you when the last time was that the first mile of my run was close to 10 minutes flat (not in a race).  From there all of my miles were 9 minute somethings.


I’ll let you in on another secret, one of the main reasons I had gone into this run feeling anxious and bummed was because the Rock ‘n’ Roll Race Series had announced the 2016 Rock ‘n’ Blog Ambassadors and I wasn’t chosen.  I don’t want pity, heck, half of you reading this probably don’t even know what that is BUT I was really hoping for a shot at representing one of my favorite running brands (there’s always next year).

SO this run really boosted my spirits and showed me that I’ve done something right so far this year.  I feel stronger, I’m running faster, and I will definitely be capable of completing ALL of the races that I enter this year.  Here’s to keeping up the momentum and looking forward, not back.

Thanks for reading!!

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