Winter, snow, and running.

Soooo as I sit here writing this post, it’s snowing.  Winter storm “Jonas” is here, showering us with snow… lots and lots of snow.  Winter is probably the season that affects my running the most negatively.  I don’t mind running in cold weather, but in the past year or so the low temps have been LOW like (-) degrees to teens (that really sucks to run in).  Snow and ice also make it hard to run, ya see I live up a holler so it’s not always convenient to get to the trail.  And the rail trail near my house also isn’t cleared off by anyone so when I do go run in the snow I’m running through inches of snow– bummer.

Last Tuesday I chose to run around 2:30 in the afternoon.  There were a couple of inches of snow on the ground already and I was the only person on the trail.  The scenery was really pretty and I was just trying to focus on that and not how cold it was and how slow I was running.  Then about half way into my run a whiteout hit, I was about 1.5 miles away from my car.  Just perfect, I thought.  I ended up having to just stop at one point because I couldn’t see anything but I was able to make it back to the car and home safely.  Side note- I don’t recommend running, walking, driving, or basically being out during bad weather.  BUT if you do go out, or are already out, or HAVE to be out just use common sense and be careful please!! 🙂

running in snow

And when I do go run in the snow and when I’ve run in the snow in the past I don’t do it to be hardcore, I do it because I really do like to run outside when I can and in the past that was the only way I could get my runs in, until now…

We’ve had hand me down old treadmills in the past but they really have not cut it.  Insert- the impending sucky weather making josh and I bite the bullet and get a FREAKING TREADMILL!!!!!!!! 😀

It is SO nice to run indoors on something that is reliable and wide enough for you to run on with a belt that won’t stop each time you take a step!!  AND now on rushed days I can run in the evenings when I normally wouldn’t be able to, so NO EXCUSES!!!  YAAASSS!!!!  I’m pretty jazzed about this if you can’t tell.  I used my treadmill for the first time a little bit ago and my cool down was going outside to sweep off my sidewalks and shovel my driveway, everything was already covered by the time I was finished of course.  Oh well!  Everyone be safe this weekend and always, and most important: BE SMART!!!!

Do you live in crazy weather?  Do you have a treadmill, if so hate it or love it?

Thanks for reading as usual!!

3rd Runniversary!

Sooooo today marked my 3rd year since I began running, or my “runniversary” as I like to call it.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think that snowy 3 mile run would lead me to where I’m at today.  I was NEVER a runner and I never thought I would enjoy it as much as I did and still do to this day.

When I first started running three years ago I had a purpose and a reason– the Paris Marathon.  When marathon day arrived and even as I was completing the race I was thinking “this is it, once I’m done wit this I’m never running again!”  However, the more miserable I felt during the race, the more proud of myself I became for sticking with it and not giving up.  I also realized at that moment that I was doing this for me, not for anyone else and I think that’s one of the things that has made running such an important part of my life, even to this day.  After finishing that marathon I realized that I was capable of doing more than I ever thought, it’s partly what gave me the confidence to apply for the job in the N.I.C.U., where I still work.  I don’t think if I had pushed myself through that race I would’ve ever thought I could work in an environment like that or have the confidence to even apply.  Through running I’ve learned that it’s okay to feel uncomfortable- I have become more comfortable with feeling uncomfortable since that’s what running is kind of about (for me at least).

In a race I push myself harder than I do when I just go out and run, I may not feel great at first but if I want to try for a new PR then that’s what I have to do.  Lately with my training runs I’ve been adding speed work at least once a week to my routine (400 repeats and tempo runs for example) and when doing 400’s I run much faster than usual and it can be difficult to just let myself go and run the speed that I need to to get the most out of the workout.  Running a new distance in a new city also takes me out of my comfort zone.  The Chicago Marathon had me anxious because my training didn’t go the way I would’ve liked and because it had been over 2 years since I had completed this distance, but shortly after the race started I calmed down, settled in, and finished.

I guess what I’m getting at is that running has taught me a lot about myself and what I’m actually capable of as opposed to what I only think I can do.  For this I’m forever grateful.

I’m currently training for a purpose again which motivates me and keeps me accountable with my training!




I’ll be heading to back to Texas in March to run the Rock ‘N’ Roll Dallas 5K and half marathon!  Josh will be going with me of course (running both races too) and my sister and her boyfriend Moses are going to meet us too!!  She’s going to run both races and Moses is gonna get into it and run the 5K!!!!  Nothing I love more than hanging out with awesome people and running!!

Tomorrow will mark the start of week 4 of training.  It’s going well so far, I missed one run due to my work schedule but I’m not stressing over it. I’ve also incorporated Piyo into my workout routine.  It’s a really great blend of yoga and Pilates, low impact but boy oh boy do I sweat!!  I’ll be going into week 4 of doing Piyo and I can tell a difference in my flexibility and core strength (where I feel I need the most work) so I’m really jazzed about that!

I’m so excited for this year of running, I’ve got a lot planned and I hope it ends up being as great as I hope! : )  Thanks for reading!!