Parent’s Place 5K

Sooooo this past Saturday I ran the Parent’s Place 5K in Star City, WV.  The weather was GORGEOUS for the race, and there were about 150 runners and walkers total for the event, which took place on the local rail trail and started and finished in Star City.  It’s not a major theme of the race, but runners were encouraged to dress as a super hero for the race (I dressed as myself for this one, I do however have a super hero outfit in mind for another race coming up this month).  I was happy that I had a couple of days off before this race so I wasn’t tired from work since I’ve been working a lot of night shifts lately and I kept my running schedule pretty regular this week.

As the race started, I felt like I was running SO slowly, when my watch alarmed at mile 1 however, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was an almost 9 minute flat mile, the second was about the same.  To some, running 9 minute flat miles may not seem like much of an accomplishment, but I am very happy since even a year ago I wouldn’t have been running this well, it’s also validation that my half marathon training is working.  I ended up running the third mile in 8:44 and passed 2 more runners on my way to the finish (if you haven’t noticed yet I really like to pass people right close to the finish).  I couldn’t decide if the 2 girls in front of me were in my age group so to make it easier on myself I decided I would just pass them!

I ended up with a PR and 4th in my age group, just missed getting a medal, but I can’t be upset with that run one bit!  I felt good and I’ve got plenty more 5K’s coming up to keep running better and better!


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