Another post, finally!

Sooooo I’ve not posted anything since mid-march when I talked about my terrible eating habits.  I’m happy to report that my choices in food are much better than they used to be, but I’m not 100% where I want to eventually end up.  I’m much smarter about my choices but I definitely don’t deprive myself either.  I’m also trying new things!  Today I tried to make my own mayonnaise… I was SO excited!!  I got one of those stick blenders recently (for this particular occasion) and read up on all of the tips and tricks to make a good batch of mayo.  I got the consistency right which seems like the hard part for everyone to get (from what I read) but the taste is a bit off, I think this was due to the fact that I got “lighter” olive oil instead of “light” olive oil.  The instructions said to get light but all I could find was lighter and I just wanted to make the damn mayo already!!  I’ll try one more time, should I find the right olive oil, because I can make all kinds of dressings and sauces with this mayo as the base!

Enough about mayonnaise, I’ve been running races again and it’s finally gotten nice outside!!!!  I’m attempting to stay up late for night shift tomorrow and realized that I have been terrible about posting on here, so instead of writing one terribly long, boring, monotonous post about everything I decided that I’ll catch up on the basics and then write other posts about the races I’ve done.

I’m also still training for the Harper’s Ferry Half Marathon!  I’m very excited about this race!  Harper’s Ferry is such a neat place and the scenery is amazing!  My training has been going really well and so far I haven’t encountered any hiccups or injuries, my schedule has been erratic so I’ve had to do a lot of rearranging to fit in all of my runs but I have a feeling it’s going to pay off come race day!

My sister also recently got into running lately and decided to start a blog about all of the goings on down in Houston!  We have a goal race of running Rock n Roll San Antonio together this December!  Check out her blog here!

What have you all been up to lately?

Thanks for reading!!

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