
Sooooo I know, another post about treadmills and running in the winter.  I’ve really not had much going on with my running in February, except for trying to make the best of running on the treadmill and I need to post something, so this is it!

It’s been REALLY cold here lately, like sub zero cold (I know, it’s been REALLY cold everywhere else too, I’m not alone!) but it’s also snowy on the trails and I work until it’s dark out most of the time.

Luckily, I have a treadmill!  I really hate running on it, like really but it allows me to get my runs in when I wouldn’t be able to otherwise.  To make it through, I find fun things to watch on Netflix to keep me occupied!  It takes my mind off of how sucky running in place is, and I get to watch movies and shows that I meant to and never did or ones that I hadn’t seen in a while.
Lately my choices have consisted of Wayne’s World, The Naked Gun, Family Guy, Parks and Recreation, and the Office.  I love laughing and watching something fun while I run!

What do you do to make it through running on the treadmill?  Different strokes for different folks and I’m always up for new ideas and tricks!

I also started training for the Harper’s Ferry Half Marathon in May!  I’m so excited for this race!  Harper’s Ferry is such a neat place in West Virginia!  I was nervous to start this week since there was so much snow, but the treadmill has turned out to be my saving grace!  So I guess I really can’t say too many bad things about it after all : )