The End of Another Year

Sooooo it’s that time of the year again, the time to reflect on the year that’s passed and look forward to what the new year may bring.

I’m not gonna lie, I really dropped the ball this year on the blogging front… I just didn’t keep up with it for a myriad of reasons, reasons that I won’t go into and bore you all with!  BUT  I have begun to use my Believe Training Journal and one of the goals that I made for this year is to be better about blogging.  I really and truly love writing about my thoughts and experiences related to running, but I let too many petty excuses stop me.  Life happens and I just need to be better about prioritizing and getting on here!  But on to what happened with me this year.

This year was a pretty great calendar year for me!  I got married first off!!  And although my second year of running won’t officially be complete until January 17th, I accomplished a lot in 2014 and am pretty proud of it.  Last year I wrote out my “ideas for 2014” and I just want to quickly reflect on them!

Idea #1 was to keep my enthusiasm for running and I can say that I have fallen even more in love with it!  More so than I EVER thought I could!

Idea #2 was to try to incorporate other areas of exercise into my routine.  I was very successful at this in the beginning of the year, I made it through the p90X3 system once and it definitely helped me make it through the Nike Women’s Half Marathon since my running training wasn’t quite up to par.

Idea #3 was to keep running races and challenging myself.  I ran 16 races this year consisting of 5K, 10K, and half marathon distances.  I also ran my dream race, the one huge half marathon that I have wanted to run since I first began running, the Rock N Roll Las Vegas half marathon!  That was the highlight of my year!

Idea #4 was to keep up with my blog… we all know how this turned out!

Sooo I’d say I did okay this past year with my goals, but there is definite room for improvement this year.

My one pretty big running goal for this year is to PR in 4 distances: 5K, 10K, half marathon, and the marathon.  I think with more consistent training and dedication I can complete this goal.

This past year has made up most of my second year of running, which I think could’ve ended up making it or breaking it for me as far as continuing running or not.  It definitely made it for me!  As I said earlier in the post I fell more in love with running this year and I cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for me.  I have one last race to complete before I begin my 3rd year as a runner, a local half marathon that I haven’t run before.  It’s probably going to be cold but the course is mainly flat so I’m hoping for a good race!

What are your goals for this year?  I also think it’s important to make personal goals as well, it’s important to strive for improvement in all areas to maintain balance.  I’ve set personal goals for this year, but won’t post them here since they really don’t relate to running.

Here’s to the new year and the adventures that we will all encounter!

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