Summer Runnin.. had me a blast!

Soooo Labor day happened, which basically means that summer is pretty much over.. EVEN THOUGH it has seemed way hotter outside lately, what’s up with that?!?  Anyway, I was sitting here reflecting on my summer and it wasn’t a totally terrible one!

For me, this was “the summer of the 5K” cause that’s pretty much the only kind of race that I ran with the exception of a 10K.  I started out the Summer in late May (I know, summer didn’t really start until June, so I ran an unofficial summer race I guess) at the Open Hearts 5K in Clarksburg, it rained and I do love running in the rain and I also won my age group, so great way to kick off my summer! Below is a pic of me, Josh, and cap waiting for the awards at the Open Hearts race (my actual race pictures were terrible haha)



In June I ran 2 races, the Cecil Jarvis Greater Clarksburg 10K in Clarksburg and the RDVIC Father’s Day 5K (the next day) in Morgantown.  The 10K was grueling and my first 10K in over a year.  I had trained and run a lot but didn’t hit my goal time and was slower than my previous PR, it was okay though I finished!  The father’s day race went much better, and for the day after a 10K race I felt really good running.  I almost placed in my age group, but for some reason this race had done my age group 14-25, but the next age group was 26-30… makes no sense!  Oh well!

I only ran one race in July, the Run to Read 5K in Fairmont.  Josh had a very successful go at this race, but me, I once again made it to the finish and that was about all I could say…  I had still been running very regularly and even starting to do longer runs once a week, but hilly Fairmont had other plans for me that day.

I ran a little more in August, just 2 races, the Rush Run 5K in morgantown and the Pet Door Rescue 5K in Buckhannon.  The rush run had an amazing turn out for the first time the event was run, the atmosphere was great and I was excited to run since this was the same course as the Father’s day run; with fresh legs I may be able to PR!  The course was flat and during the second half of the race I was passing people left and right, I felt really good!  I even raced one of the local weathermen (Jason Parrish from channel 12 news if you’re local) to the finish but he beat me by a split second! The picture below is us racing to the finish line.



Yes, the time on the clock is in the 27’s… BUT WHEN I LOOKED AT MY WATCH IT WASN’T EVEN AT 3 MILES!!!!  The race wasn’t even 3 miles long!!!  How does that get messed up?!?  I was just disappointed that I ran so well and of course that I paid for a 5K and it wasn’t even that… oh well, the weatherman won that day but I’ll get him next time!  The race in Buckhannon was beautiful and the weather was perfect!  The race started at a local college and wound through the streets and onto a river trail.  I really was feeling great this run and I finished and looked down at my watch and saw 27:45… and the race was actually 3.1 miles, a new PR!! And I ended up winning my age group!  For this being my last race before labor day, I would say it was an excellent way to unofficially end my summer running!

September is picking up for me as well, I’ve got 4 races scheduled (3 5K’s and 1 10K) and I started training for my second marathon!!!  The Houston Marathon in January!  I’m so excited to run another marathon and even more excited that I’ll actually be prepared to run this one!  One last super exciting announcement (for me at least) is that Josh and I signed up to do the Rock n Roll Series Las Vegas half marathon; I’M GONNA RUN DOWN THE VEGAS STRIP AT NIGHT!!!!  They also added a 5K the day before as part of the “Remix challenge” they started recently.

I love summer and everything but I cannot freaking wait for this fall!!!!

Do you have any exciting plans for this fall, running related or not I’d love to hear all about them!  Thanks for reading!