School’s Out!!

Sooooooo school’s out for me when it’s starting for everyone else… but I now have my BSN!!! (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)  I’m really excited to be done with this part of my schooling, I had to get this degree seeing as most hospitals only want to hire nurses with a bachelors degree and should I continue with school to get a masters degree (which I most likely will) a bachelors degree is essential.  The program was online through West Virginia University so I was able to work full time and complete the program.

The main reason I’m so happy that I’m finally done with school is so that I can use my free time to hang out with Josh and Captain and also get back into this blogging thing!  I have hardly talked about any running or well anything really, on here in months!  It’s so sad, but now I really have no excuse to not make at least one post a week.  So that is what I will commit to, posting one time per week.

I will make a post soon about a race I took place in last Friday, as well as a post about my thoughts on this summer (I’ve been thinking about the Summer one, well… all summer, but I just haven’t had the time to write it all down yet, soon I promise!

How has your all’s summer been?  Hopefully there are some of you out there who have gotten to slow down and enjoy your summer!  Thanks for reading!