Au Revoir, Paris! Bonjour, les États-Unis!

Sooooo it’s officially been one year since I’ve been back in the states.  On this day last year, Josh and I came back from France… for good… back to reality.  Paris was where I started running and fell in love with the sport.  I had all day to devote to it, with no job and no responsibilities, so it truly became my priority.  Another reason why this time is meaningful to me is because I ran my first ever 10K in June and my second where I PR’D; the day before we left to come home.

My first 10K was La Course du Château de Vincennes.  The start of the race was at the Château and we actually ran into the courtyard to the finish; it was amazing!  I did well for my first 10K, barely finishing over 1 hour, my goal time being under 1 hour.  The second 10K was L’Équipe 10K, the namesake is for a popular sports magazine in France.  This race was bigger than the first but I was determined to finish under an hour, and I did!! But barely!  I hadn’t run a 10K since… until last week.


The château where we finished our race

I ran the Cecil Jarvis 10K in Clarksburg on June 14th. I was so excited to run another 10K, mostly to see how much faster I could run it and PR again.  Boy oh boy did I pick the wrong race for that.  Clarksburg is nothing but rolling hills and a 2 lap course of the same hills you just ran up and down and up and down is not the best recipe for a PR.  I ended up finishing over an hour, slower than my first 10K I had ever run.  Kind of a bummer, but I was still glad to have done it and I cannot wait to run another 10K!  They don’t come around very often in this area, so being able to find one to run in is kind of a treat, for me at least!

Thanks for reading, everyone!

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